Dental Exam McLean
A dental exam is a great opportunity for you to learn and take control of your dental health. This is also a great time to ask questions if you have any concerns. Since we are well aware of the definite connection between oral and systemic health, a thorough medical history is obtained in the beginning of your first visit. Dental X-rays are then obtained to monitor the health of your teeth and underlying supporting bone. Our office uses the latest imaging technology to offer you the safest radiography available on the market today.

In our office, we value a thorough and comprehensive examination that will include:
– Evaluation of your bite
– Oral cancer screening
– Tooth decay
– Check-up of existing restorations
– Gum screening
– TMJ evaluation
– Evaluation of airway
Upon completion of your exam, you and the doctor will form a treatment plan that is best for you. We are conscientious that everyone has different needs, therefore we tailor our treatment recommendations to fit your dental goals.
Learn about your oral health
Our team is committed to delivering the best dental care for you and your family. Contact us today to schedule your dental exam and consultation. Call (703) 356-4822 or click here to schedule online. Our dental office is conveniently located at 1826 Westmoreland St. McLean, VA 22101.